Don’t Just Get That Regular Exercise — Do Your Post-Workout Stretches, Too! There’s no doubt about it: Americans aren’t getting enough physical activity. Healthy adults should be making a point of getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. If you already know that you need to be more active, you may
Are you in need of surgery in the near future? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport that puts you at risk of injury? Are your muscles and joints simply not what they used to be, becoming frail and weak? If you identify with any of these scenarios, you should consider preventative rehabilitation,
We’re all aware of the opioid crisis plaguing the nation. It’s scary – it’s as if every time we turn on the news, we hear another story about the epidemic. In 2016 alone, opioid overdose claimed the lives of 116 people each day. According to researchers, it is believed that numerous people are even being